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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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Table of Contents
Volume 33, Issue 1, pp. 1-259

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Self-Similar Lattice Tilings and Subdivision Schemes

Ding-Xuan Zhou

pp. 1-15

Parametrically Excited Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations

E. Kirr and M. I. Weinstein

pp. 16-52

Homogenization of Elliptic Difference Operators

Andrey Piatnitski and Elisabeth Remy

pp. 53-83

About Lifespan of Regular Solutions of Equations Related to Viscoelastic Fluids

Jean-Yves Chemin and Nader Masmoudi

pp. 84-112

Estimates for Periodic and Dirichlet Eigenvalues of the Schrödinger Operator

T. Kappeler and B. Mityagin

pp. 113-152

Determining Conductivity with Special Anisotropy by Boundary Measurements

Giovanni Alessandrini and Romina Gaburro

pp. 153-171

Dynamics of an Interior Spike in the Gierer--Meinhardt System

Xinfu Chen and Michal Kowalczyk

pp. 172-193

Biorthogonal Wavelet Space: Parametrization and Factorization

Howard L. Resnikoff, Jun Tian, and Raymond O. Wells, Jr.

pp. 194-215

Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to the System of Compressible Adiabatic Flow through Porous Media

Kenji Nishihara and Masataka Nishikawa

pp. 216-239

On the Placement of an Obstacle or a Well so as to Optimize the Fundamental Eigenvalue

Evans M. Harrell II, Pawel Kröger, and Kazuhiro Kurata

pp. 240-259